About Us
Welcome to innateDIVINITYbooks!
Conceived in 2018, innateDIVINITYbooks (iDb) is a publishing group seeking to create a platform for underrepresented artists. The Inland Empire based company provides creative consulting for local communities. Their services include publishing individual authors and anthologies and providing information about self-publishing, manuscript editing, formatting, and layout and cover design. To see iDb's services, click here.
iDb was established out of a need for new literary spaces in the Inland Empire and surrounding areas. The publishing brand seeks to build a solid literary community that is conscious of the many ways underrepresented artists are continually overlooked and underfunded. In the literary world, authors are seen as more credible if they have been published. However, the creators of iDb felt that that credibility was reserved only for those authors who operate within academia or who are products of the educational institution. However, iDb recognizes that not everyone has access to study writing at the university level and believes that an author's merit should be more based on their work than their credentials. As a result, one of iDb's main goals is to break down the barriers between artists and publishers, aiming to provide access to literary authenticity for artists of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences.
In the coming years, iDb plans to broaden their impact by hosting workshops, open mics and poetry readings, and facilitating artist collaborations to contribute to literary advancement in the Inland Empire and greater Los Angeles area.
innateDIVINITYbooks is made up of three Southern California based artists, Eric DeVaughnn, Samuel Rain Benjamin, and Micah Tasaka.
Our Staff

Eric DeVaughnn
Editor in Chief
Eric DeVaughnn is a father, poet, author, educator, and cofounder of innateDIVINITYbooks, with three self-published poetry collections. All his poems are cracked teeth, dusky yellow and receding gum line lying limp on waxy, bright white paper, speckled red. @truethepoetic

Samuel Rain Benjamin
Marketing and Editing
Author and poet Samuel Rain Benjamin, aka Complicated Passions, creator of the Passions Private Collection, has written over 30 books, including Love and the Conversation, The Clone in Me & The Foreplay. He has performed from Los Angeles to New York, most notably, The World Stage, The Nuyorican Poets Café and Busboys & Poets. Samuel is also the co-founder of innateDIVINITYbooks. His latest work is John Bold from the Dark Man Blues collection. @dark_man_blues

Micah Tasaka
Senior Editor
Micah Tasaka (田坂舞花) is a queer, nonbinary poet, multidisciplinary artist, community organizer, and reiki master from Colton, California. They are the author of Expansions (Jamii Publishing 2017). www.micahtasaka.com @kinokono_inaka