publishing / creative consulting / design
Conceived in 2018, innateDIVINITYbooks is a publishing group seeking to create a platform for underrepresented artists. This Inland Empire-based company provides creative consulting for local communities. Our services include publishing individual authors and anthologies and providing information about self-publishing, manuscript editing, formatting, and layout and cover design.

Girl Teeth
Christina Brown
Check out innateDIVINITYbooks' latest publication: Girl Teeth by Christina Brown.​
Christina Brown's Girl Teeth is a fiercely honest collection of poems worth biting into. She unwraps womanhood, befriends fear, "conjures the ghosts" of past loves, pays tender tribute to strength and femininity, and accurately paints "the lines between curiosity and violence," all reasons why we grow teeth. These poems talk to each other, and as a reader, it's a cathartic thrill to be able to eavesdrop on the conversation. This book will make a mark in your memory, like "leaving a small tube of moisturizer in every ex-lover's apartment."
Available for purchase here.

Ghosts of Menace Street
J.T. Shannon
Check out J.T. Shannon's Ghosts of Menace Street.
Available for purchase here.
Attend the Ghosts of Menace Street virtual book release here.